December 17th, 2010
Many business owners are able to build their businesses successfully, thanks to a practice known as outsourcing. One of the most popular tasks that business owners are known for outsourcing is appointment setting. If your business entails outside sales, ensuring that you have an outsourced telemarketing is very ideal. Just think about it, if try to employ telemarketers in-house, you will need to do the following:
December 16th, 2010
One needs to understand that outsourcing success really depends upon how well one manages the process before and of course after the outsourcing contract is signed. A lot of companies are known to award outsourcing contracts to the lowest bidder without taking some time to understand what it really means to the business and they also outsource without performing a complete vendor selection process. So when things start to go south, such as missed delivery dates, quality problems arise or awful customer service, the blame-game card is played and everyone start to run for cover.
Well, the following tips for successful outsourcing will sure help you make sure that your organization succeeds in outsourcing and that you wi
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December 15th, 2010
A lot of American citizens have been screaming blue murder whenever they here the term “outsourcing”. Outsourcing is of course not a new occurrence – although a lot of citizens have been made to believe that outsourcing is the “new” thing that is taking away their jobs. A lot of service companies began creating jobs overseas in order to gain access to foreign markets. These companies audit, repair and consult where their customers or clients are located. To put it in a way that you’d understand, oversees clients or customers do not have to come all the way here. In addition, a lot of foreign markets are really growing rapidly as lots of domestics companies become saturated. About 60 percent of the revenue of American IT companies is estimated to be created overseas. In a variety of industries which range from consumer products to banking to work placement to even aerospace – this leads companies to re
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December 14th, 2010
Advantages of Outsourcing Information Technology
Every business owner knows that in the “world of business” in order to be competitive, you need to be able to offer unique products and or services, end of story. You do not have to own a “call center” in order to employ the services of outsourced employees.
Yup, outsourcing is indeed the one of the main ke
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December 13th, 2010
People are using local searches now more than ever. When you think of searching the Internet you think of utilizing big sites such as eBay and Amazon. People do use these big ecommerce sites to purchase from time to time, especially for music downloads and physical mail order items. But a recent survey of a typical consumer's search habits reveals that they search online for local information 3 to 1 over worldwide searching. They look to the Internet to find hours of operation, directions, specials, coupons and menus and other information.
Is your business in a place to be easily found online? How much business are you missing out on because your Internet presence is weak? This is not the time to be lacking in this new form of advertising, specially when you weigh the cost effectiveness against print ads and TV commercials. I know how busy you are running your business and how confusing maintaining a website can be. T
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December 10th, 2010
Malaysia is a country that has a really attractive business environment, and well developed infrastructure and the strong support of the government which in turn makes Malaysia a country that is sure becoming a rising alternative to China and India. The government in Malaysia has positioned the country as a hub for technological innovation and services that have made a lot of top multinationals locate a couple of their global or regional operations in this country. Malaysia is a country that has a rather more stable political climate which is also supported by consistent economic growth which also makes this particular offshore outsourcing nation attractive for very sensitive, high-end applications in the banking and finance industry.
December 9th, 2010
2. China
In the past couple of years, China is a country that is quickly becoming one of the world’s top suppliers of offshore software outsourcing providers which is due to its totally incredible developmental rate. Though India is right now the world’s top leader in software outsourcing provider; well, China is really aiming to outpace India so that they will become the next leading competitor in software outsourcing. It has been predicted that China someday will become one of the top 3 nations for offshore software outsourcing between the year 2007 and 2010.
A lot of companies are even starting to plan their offshore outsourcing strategies in order to take advantage of this country’s emerging strength as an outsourcing destination. This also includes searching for ways so as to take advantage of China’s present software s
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December 8th, 2010
Offshore outsourcing is simply the practice of employing an external company to perform a couple of business tasks in a country other than the country where the goods or service will be consumed or sold. Outsourcing has really increased at a fast pace due to the improvement in modern satellite and internet technology, a much better connectivity and a steady search for very affordable labor in order to cut costs and achieve competitive advantage.
When a company outsources its back office business functions to less expensive nations such as India, China, Malaysia, Philippines, the company can really cut down on their labor costs and concentrate on their core competencies and make sure that they provide a much better customer satisfaction. Well, according to a recent report, United States firms have saved nearly 8 billion United States dollars through outsourcing to developing countries such as the Philippines. There are a lot of devel
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December 6th, 2010
Outsourcing companies come in all shapes and sizes, from many different countries and at many varied pricing schemes. But there are some critical aspects that you should pay attention to if you want to get the most from your outsourcing company. Check it out:
1 ) Does your outsourcing company know it's way around the web? In today's business environment, a web presence is important to doing a global business. Internet savvy reps are a must!
2 ) Having your reps "Americanized" is very important to your clients. How heavy an accent does yourcurrent rep have? And do they clearly understand what expected from a Western style business?
3) Is your rep familiar with the way your company does business? A good outsourcing firm will take the time to get to know their client and their business style intimately.
4 ) Does your current outsourcing firm have Western style management? A reliable fi
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November 24th, 2010
- c. RFP & RFQ
Now that the business requirements have been defined and you also have the short listed vendors that you want to evaluate, this is the time to write an RFP (request for proposal) or RFQ (request for quotation). Whichever format that you decide to choose, just make sure that your RFQ or RFP should have the following sections:
- Submission information
- Introduction & executive summary
- The business background and overview
- Well detailed specifications
- Assumptions and constraints
- Terms and conditions
vii. Selection criteria
- d. Proposal Evaluation & Outsourcing Vendor Selection
The major goal of this part is to effectively minimize human emotion and political influence so as to arrive at a decision that is certainly in the very best interest of the company. Make sure that
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