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  • It's been a year since my trip to the Philippines with the mastermind group and a LOT has happened. I'm finally facing the reality that business doesn't follow a straight line! The people and connections I've made through the Mastermind are the greatest outcome. Next week, I'm doing an event with two other mastermindees Dago Zuniga and Dan Evertsz - as we've teamed up to propel all three of our businesses! Thanks Daven Michaels and Beejal Parmar for being such an inspiration and for setting the bar high for what we can accomplish!
    Nicole Jolie
  • Thinking of you this morning and wanted to let you know how much it means to me and Joel that you created such an incredible VA in Jaron. He's amazing and I'm looking forward to working with him again. He's brilliant! Thank you Daven for everything you did to help me and Joel.
    Angie Grainger
  • Beyond Business was a real treat! The amount of practical information & the content were above & beyond any other personal development/business seminar I previously took.
    Much Love Nicole Jolie
  • I truly appreciate the value and content received at your event recently in Dallas. It was a catalyst needed to propel me forward. You and your team are indeed OUTSTANDING...to put it mildly.
    Thank you so much!
    Marcia Williams
  • I just wanted to thank you for this weekend Beyond Business Live! in Dallas. As I mentioned, volunteering was my purpose for attending, not fully knowing what this event was about. As I have been working to literally peel myself up, off the ground, your event was the 2nd event I attended in 10 days and has profoundly made an impact on my life, for which I will cherish each moment.
    Just want you to know, today, I was invited to host a radio show...talking about the principles of abundance in the works...to that mentorship soon!! Peace & many blessings,
    Laela Naghela-El ;-)
  • I really enjoyed meeting you and volunteering at the event in Dallas this past weekend.
    It was a great event and I learned a lot from it.
    Congratulations on producing another super event!
    As I mentioned to you, I would be interested in helping you get the LinkedIn Dallas group started.
    Please pass on to Daven and Beejal my thanks for a great weekend of fun and learning. I look forward to future events.
    Regards, Don Johnson
  • Daven,
    Thank you. Beyond Business Live was amazing. You gave us so many valuable strategies and processes that we could use to make our businesses successful it made it hard to describe exactly what we got out of the event. It was so much. Now after reflecting I can see that the most valuable part for me was in the way you told your personal stories of how you created your successes. What I learned from your incredible ability to take us into your story is there is not magic formula but that "everything can be figured out" if you are committed.
    Debra Kahnen
  • I just attended my first Beyond Business Live event with Daven Michaels, Beejal Parmar, Lane Ethridge and Casey Eberhardt. ..I feel like I got a real world MBA in 3 short days! What an awesome event!!! Thank you, thank you thank you! You guys are very very savvy!
    Cynthia Marshall
  • Daven I wont to personaly Thank You ... ur just a Super Star
    Rafal Klima
  • What a remarkable person and valuable event. I was able to get some great ideas on what to do with my marketing funnel.
  • Daven, I sincerely appreciated you and Beejal allowing me to attend the seminar this pass weekend. I learned soooooooooooo much until i can tell my VA things that i know is going to catch her by surprised because i am educated now. I know i will never be a computer because my passion is elsewhere but i will know how to let my VA or anyone else know what i want as well as what i need. I truly feel empowered now and i am not going to ever give it up thanks to you, Beejal, and the rest of your speakers. I have truly been blessed and i thank God that Cathy Hankinson said i needed to be there period no questions asked. She is a great person that makes very sure that i meet other great and amazing people. Oh yeah, please accept me as your friend. Thanks,
    Glenn "GG" Gordon / LOTTA POCKETS www.lottapockets.com
  • Jessie Valenzuela the PM and Kate Garcia the VA have been great! Kate is really "injecting" life into my books and her diligence and hard work is motivating me. Your Angels are really experts on this online marketing. From the bottom of my heart, Thank You! Many blessings to you, Beejal, Liz and the children.
    Maria Barrera
  • With a coach like you there is no way I can ever go wrong. Again thank you, and I'm looking forward to joining the outside circle.
    Again thank you for all that you gave us, thank you for your spirit, and thank you for being YOU!
    All The Best,
    Robert Houston
  • Daven, the 3 days I spent with you and your stand-out crew in Los Angeles were remarkable. I'm sure you know how rare it is to find one person who is genuinely caring and approachable, let alone a whole team. What a unique group. I can't imagine anyone nOt taking advantage of spending time with you and absorbing the information you over delivered and the promises you came through with. I am blessed to work with people from all over the world who live their dreams and it IS life changing. Everyone works hard... and they know WHY. It's inspiring and motivating, at subconscious and super conscious levels. It gets into my blood :)). I'll never surround myself with anyone who settles for less than living their life passions. I can't anymore. And I hope everyone this weekend got a taste of that as well. There isn't a successful person out there who isn't dedicated to serving others and that came through as well, with heartfelt passion and genuine loving kindness. Bravo. It takes an extraordinary man to be transparent and dedicated, loving what he does and infusing that passion into others. Please keep doing your good work. You truly are a model for others.
    Gail Rosenthal
  • By the way, I’m thrilled with the fast response and action in welcoming me to the 123 Employee program. I’m have a video put on my webpage for starters and everything is going great.
    I’m so glad I got a chance to meet you and your team – the experience is much more that I expected.
    Take care,
    Lisa Hatamoto
  • Hi,
    I am working with Soumitra Paul of 123 Accelerator on developing a Learning Management System for my business. I have enjoyed working with him so far and have had a great learning experience and results with his assistance and knowledge.
    I just wanted to pass this along to you. I am looking forward to the final result and implementing my software in the near future. He is a credit to your business.
    P.S. I will see you at Business Live in LA in the near future again.
    Jim Chandler
  • Hello Daven and Beejal: I hope this e-mail finds you both well. Having come to your last BBL and now using the 123 services, I am truly impressed with all that you so and am excited to be involved with your upcoming road show. Here's to an awesome 2014!
    Neil Palache
  • Daven, I can't thank you enough, my VA paid for herself in three weeks. She has contacted three times more leads for me in one week than I was able to contact in one months time on my own. Which has generated over $25,000 in sales so far. I have hired a second VA and I am looking forward to the future. By the way, she did all this while in training, I can't imagine what she will be capable of once she is fully trained. I cannot put a price on the time freedom and the relief I feel knowing I have someone who has my back when and if I need them. Thanks again.
    Ron Taubenheim
  • Quick note on 123employee.. I must say so far I am positively impressed with the professionalism of Jed. I hired a first agent and my trainer will get her ready on a campaign over the next days. BTW.. the 5 day non-paid intro is a great feature too to ease customers in:) If she can get the appointments I need, this might be an additional revenue stream for both of us.. as I have a lot of customers looking for these services and you have the ops to deliver.. looking good:)
    i>We are going to increase our hours ! It has relieved so much stress in running our business and keeping up with all the marketing and social media. Will send the information.. basically there will be around 300 business owners there and I am promoting infusionsoft and 123 - we have 2 people from facebook speaking as well. I will also invite you to the event thru FB. Thank you Daven.
    Gina Lopez Alexander
  • OMG... I love these two girls I have working with me. I can't even tell you how great I feel right now. I'm teaching them how to do stuff that I really needed to get off my plate. Thanks for the help Daven.
    Nicole Jolle
  • I spoke to Cherly today. She was wonderful. I'm beginning to feel like I'm actually moving along. I felt stagnant for so long. Thanks for your support.
    Maggie Margaret
  • First, major congrats on moving forward with Daven & Beejal's program! After experiencing first hand how they've helped me reach unbelievable heights over the past 18 months I'm really excited to watch your progress as well from this point on. Not only are Daven and Beejal great mentors, but I'm sure you'll find like I did that they're sincerely great people as well!
    I remember all too well being anxious and just getting started including investing money on their program that we really didn't have at the time. Looking back, I'm so thankful I took action with them because I'm enjoying life now more than ever and they've not only helped to transform my life, but also my childrens lives, and potentially generations to follow.
    Seems like just yesterday I was getting started with them and now I have a world of opportunity waiting in front of me. In fact, just over the weekend I received my first "major" speaking gig on stage with several national big time speakers so I'm really excited about that including the opportunities to follow.
    Roy Meyer

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123Employee opened for business in February of 2006 with 10 employees. Today, 123Employee is a leader in outsourcing. 123Employee employs hundreds of sharp, innovative marketing and support agents to help you meet your objectives while maintaining your company’s bottom line.

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