Within the last decade, a major change has taken place when it comes to web development and internet application management. Website outsourcing has become the norm in business, due to the need for cost cutting and streamlining company expenses. But web design and encoding today need to follow certain web standards and guiding principles in order to make the internet a better virtual environment for all users. A company cannot simply outsource this service without thinking twice about meeting the W3C compliance policy.
Although web development is still undergoing a transition period, there are a number of websites who chose to implement these standards even if they are faced with the necessity of outsourcing their website development. With the help of experienced web developers from key outsourcing destinations, support for websites to use and put into action the web standards allowed users to enjoy easy to access websites.
W3C or World Wide Web Consortium create and implement web standards as well as web encoding technologies like HTML, XML, CSS, and other web applications. They are also directly responsible for common internet related issues like web compatibility and access to different types of devices and users including the standardization of web development for future compatibility. Although they are not considered an official web standards implementing body, the joint efforts of different web – related entities allowed for a better development of various web technologies making the internet more accessible and convenient to use.
So for any companies who are planning to outsource their web development requirements, the first step is to make sure that the BPO provider understands the importance of meeting the W3C standards. Due to the fact that the internet is not restricted to a single ownership, assessment and evaluation on how to better improve online applications has to be made with the help of different web related groups in order to come up with standardized solutions and adopting it in the process. Website outsourcing is a relatively new industry however; companies who are seeking for website BPOs must understand all the key aspects of developing a website that is W3C compliant.
So why is it important for website outsourcing to be W3C compliant? The most common attraction for W3C validation is the accessibility of the website. By implementing the W3C standards during the development stage, websites will have more chances for search engine and browser recognition which can be translated into a better online traffic generation. The main reason for website outsourcing is to cut down the cost of the development but this effort will be futile if the newly developed website is not able to generate any traffic mainly because it ignored the standards set by W3C.
And because website developers via website outsourcing will be using a standardized coding system, there will be a great reduction to the time that will be consumed when it comes to website development. Another benefit that can be enjoyed from implementing W3C standards in website outsourcing is website stability. As newer web browsers are being introduced in the market, W3C compliant websites are more likely to be compatible with newly developed web browsers.
Daven Michaels is an award-winning outsourcer and author of the book, ‘Outsource This!’ Daven has been honored more than any other individual or outsourcing organization. You can get more information on outsourcing by visiting www.123Employee.com
The advantage of outsourcing definitely outweighs the disadvantages, and if you ask me, I would do it again and again. Mary