Hey there Daven Michaels founder of 123Employee coming to you from somewhere in the middle of Atlantic ocean, as a matter of fact I’m on a Cruise and I’m on my way to the Turks and Caicos Islands. Tomorrow I’ll be coming to you live from Grand Turk and I’m actually on the marketers cruise, I don’t know if you heard about marketers cruise before but it’s pretty awesome, it’s where about 400 of the greatest marketers on the planet, they come together, they come together to exchange ideas, to master mind, to network but most importantly just to have fun. It’s a great trip because you come away with so much great information, so many great contacts that you go on to make a tone of money and you get paid for doing it, I mean it’s the ultimate vacation. Now something that seems to be lacking from the entrepreneurs diet, it’s FUN isn’t it? So what we wanna do at 123Employee show you how to have more fun and so about making more money, having more help and then finding more free time to do what your passion about. So we’ll be talking more about that on the videos to come, until tomorrow I’m Daven Michaels, don’t forget to tune in tomorrow, we’ll see you tomorrow from grand Turk. Bye now!
The advantages are just awesome; I recommend outsourcing to every serious business man/woman. Brenda