You’ve taken the giant step to set up a small business that is now up and running. Don’t you think it’s time to think towards the next step — growing your small business? It starts by implementing some changes that would get your business ready for growth and expansion.
Start by Making Your Business Scalable – How?
Making your business scalable is the starting point of preparation for expansion. But, you may be asking how?
Tip #1: Make the Necessary Adjustments that would Promote Growth
When getting ready for expansion, you need to do all necessary adjustments that would give room for the growth and expansion you’re aiming at. These changes and adjustments should be geared towards the following and more;
- Sales Strategy
- Pricing Systems
- Accounting Procedures
- …and other business systems in use
The essence of the adjustment is to enable you scale up to your desired business size. Just think of the following — the amount of revenue you’re targeting, the number of clients you want to generate, or the level of global reach you wish to attain. Subsequently, you will be able to adjust your business systems to take in these desired levels.
Tip #2: Automate as Much as Possible
Also, in trying to scale up, you need to automate tasks as much as possible. This would in turn help you save money, time and labor. Automation is efficient in addition to being precise. On the other hand, you will spend more resources and consume more time when you stick to manual labor. When a business owner automates, it gives more room for increased opportunity to grow and expand, and ultimately eliminates the limitations that come with manual labor.
In addition to automating tasks, you should also integrate outsourcing solution for business expansion. It will help you save more as you spend less on salaries and wages, and you can subsequently plough back the excess saved through outsourcing to growing and expanding your business.
Tip #3: Keep Record of Business Data and Statistics
As long as the information or statistics is measurable, ensure you keep the record. Subsequently, analyzing trends as well as forecasting future growth would be easier — you may not know the metrics that would be the most valuable when it’s time to make decision.
Tip #4: Come up with Repeatable Sales Processes
A great repeatable process makes task easier and speeds up growth. This is because you can apply it over and again to get more results instead of generating processes from the scratch. However, overtime, you can add, remove or improve on the process to perfect it for far higher outcome.
Here are ways you can determine whether or not you have the repeatable process described above;
- You can forecast your revenue consistently
- You can uncover new sources of clients or customers consistently
- Compared to what it costs to acquire one customer, you are able to earn more
- You will continuously achieve timely and reliably accurate product deliveries
So, go ahead and implement these tips for small business growth and expansion.
Daven Michaels is a New York Times Best Selling Author and CEO of premiere global outsourcing company, 123Employee. The company employs hundreds of young bright individuals on three continents. His International event, Beyond Marketing Live! inspires entrepreneurs to build & grow their business with revolutionary new theories and systems allowing them to design the business and personal lifestyle of their dreams.
Growing Your Small Business – What Is The Recipe For Successful Outcome?
You’ve taken the giant step to set up a small business that is now up and running. Don’t you think it’s time to think towards the next step — growing your small business? It starts by implementing some changes that would get your business ready for growth and expansion.
Start by Making Your Business Scalable – How?
Making your business scalable is the starting point of preparation for expansion. But, you may be asking how?
Tip #1: Make the Necessary Adjustments that would Promote Growth
When getting ready for expansion, you need to do all necessary adjustments that would give room for the growth and expansion you’re aiming at. These changes and adjustments should be geared towards the following and more;
The essence of the adjustment is to enable you scale up to your desired business size. Just think of the following — the amount of revenue you’re targeting, the number of clients you want to generate, or the level of global reach you wish to attain. Subsequently, you will be able to adjust your business systems to take in these desired levels.
Tip #2: Automate as Much as Possible
Also, in trying to scale up, you need to automate tasks as much as possible. This would in turn help you save money, time and labor. Automation is efficient in addition to being precise. On the other hand, you will spend more resources and consume more time when you stick to manual labor. When a business owner automates, it gives more room for increased opportunity to grow and expand, and ultimately eliminates the limitations that come with manual labor.
In addition to automating tasks, you should also integrate outsourcing solution for business expansion. It will help you save more as you spend less on salaries and wages, and you can subsequently plough back the excess saved through outsourcing to growing and expanding your business.
Tip #3: Keep Record of Business Data and Statistics
As long as the information or statistics is measurable, ensure you keep the record. Subsequently, analyzing trends as well as forecasting future growth would be easier — you may not know the metrics that would be the most valuable when it’s time to make decision.
Tip #4: Come up with Repeatable Sales Processes
A great repeatable process makes task easier and speeds up growth. This is because you can apply it over and again to get more results instead of generating processes from the scratch. However, overtime, you can add, remove or improve on the process to perfect it for far higher outcome.
Here are ways you can determine whether or not you have the repeatable process described above;
So, go ahead and implement these tips for small business growth and expansion.
Daven Michaels is a New York Times Best Selling Author and CEO of premiere global outsourcing company, 123Employee. The company employs hundreds of young bright individuals on three continents. His International event, Beyond Marketing Live! inspires entrepreneurs to build & grow their business with revolutionary new theories and systems allowing them to design the business and personal lifestyle of their dreams.
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