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On a global scale, businesses have witnessed improved performances in business processes and communication within the local settings and the neighbouring countries. The enhancement of business processes has resulted in increased inflow of income. Digitalization of business processes has improved the customer experience and lowered on the costs incurred in running of businesses.


Digital evidence may be those transmitted or stored may be used as evidence in court. Digital evidence comes to mind when “a soft crime” is committed, which in other words is known as e-crime. It is the responsibility of authorized persons to safeguard digital evidence whenever there is a suit involving it.

Marshaled out are crucial steps, which you must observe and perform before bringing your digital evidence for analysis by experts.

Step: 1

Allow your personal computer to remain in its present condition at the time of any crime. Simply put, just allow your computer to be ‘ON’ as it was at the occurrence of the crime please do not turn off your PC. When you have secured it in its original state, call in the forensic experts. They are to state what should be done and how it should be done.

Step: 2

Resist the urge to capture the data into an external storage facility. Do not attach any external devices to the system unit doing so may cause sudden loss of date.

Step 3:

Keep an eye on where the device is being stored and ensure that it is properly secured. Take note of who gets close to the device or when it is moved and by whom.

Step: 4

Sensitive data needs to be securely locked up in a storage facility with strong passwords. Creating a strong password entails composing it with a combination of letters and numbers and a capital letter.

Step: 5

Avoid opening any data in the system this will guard against the possible loss of data, which may happen as an accident. Secondly, you may not want to overwrite the data.

Step: 6

Capture the image of the digital evidence from every angle so that its original state is properly recorded.

Step: 7

Disallow the charging of phones on the device. If the evidence is on your Smartphone, put OFF the phone to avoid remote formatting of the data.

Do not store and do not copy anything from the device

Step: 8

Bring in the help of a reliable, trustworthy expert who will aid you in storing all relevant data for the case.

Step: 9

A computer set that is involved in an investigation should be promptly detached from the internet; malicious persons may ease such good shreds of evidence from a remote ground.

Step: 10

Let it be your golden rule, to keep persons who are untrained to get any closer or access to the digital.


Digital evidence is very sensitive. You need to be extra careful to preserve the evidence otherwise; you are prone to losing out in the court.

Daven Michaels is a New York Times Best Selling Author and CEO of premiere global outsourcing company, 123Employee. The company employs hundreds of young bright individuals on three continents. His International event, Beyond Marketing Live! Inspires entrepreneurs to build & grow their business with revolutionary new theories and systems allowing them to design the business and personal lifestyle of their dreams


  1. Zach Cockrum says:

    Wow! Really inspiring. Thank you so much, Daven Michaels

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