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Blogging- A Business Process Outsourcing Opportunity

October 24th, 2008

The Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) industry is booming in the Philippines. The most common BPO services here in the country are call centers, software development, transcription, encoding, animation, human resources, accounting and payroll outsourcing. BPO is implemented as a cost-saving measure for tasks that a company requires but does not depend upon to maintain its position in the marketplace. There are also a lot of new BPO opportunities, aside from the most common BPO services mentioned above, that anyone can embark on. Outsourced writing is one. For a long time now, writing and editing works have been subcontracted to smaller institutions and writers whi ..Continue reading.. »

Business Process Outsourcing: Benefits of outsourcing service

October 20th, 2008

Business process outsourcing provides significant advantages to all types of business whether small scale or multi national companies. Centers for business process outsourcing handle customer service, technical support, data entry, sales, finance and banking and travel and hospitality. When you outsource other departments of your business you gain more: you have sufficient and efficient man power to handle all customer service concerns which gives you more time to focus on product research and development and on improved marketing; plus there is a great reduction of overhead labor cost. When you employ people in-house to handle  all your customer service and technical support issues it becomes very costly and the time and effort add more to the cost. A third party or an outsourced company already have a system that's established to ca ..Continue reading.. »

Business Process outsourcing: Looking on the bright side

October 17th, 2008

Business process outsourcing has become a major debate in the electoral party this year. America has seen the power that outsourcing has impacted on our lives. Major offshore business process outsourcing countries such as China , India and the Philippines have flourished in their economy due to this high demand of outsourcing.

Most of the toys and computer products you see on Wal-Mart are made in China--- the master manufacturer for low cost products-- great goods for less to us. Call Expedia or United Airlines for a flight reservation and most likely you will be talking to someone from the Philippines. Call Earthlink or Dell technical support-- and you will soon realize you are talking to an IT support in India. Amazing huh!

This economic change is inevitab ..Continue reading.. »

Business Process Outsourcing: Virtual Assistants Offshore

October 13th, 2008

The world economy is going downslope and everyone is at a cringe how to reverse this crisis. Doors are being opened to find ways to save some money and yet still deliver a quality service. All types of business whether large or small scale are doing major overhaul to find an affordable solution. Some areas of production that require repetitive tasks, documentation and research can be can be done by a virtual assistant. Having a virtual assistant is like having extra limbs and minds that handle the same tasks as you do except that someone else is doing it for you.  Of course one can just hire a physical assistant or a secretary that you can watch over.  But can you really afford the overhead cost? There's a better option.

Business process outsourcing gives many businesses the upper hand to continue their production and save on overhead pay. As the competiti ..Continue reading.. »

Business process outsourcing: Opening more doors to opportunities

October 10th, 2008

As developing countries such as India and Philippines developed an image for being among the top choices in business process outsourcing there has been a great surge of interest from all sorts of foreign investors. The growth has become continuous and is rapidly expanding in various fields. Mass ramping-up can be seen on a quarterly basis and multi skilled workers are getting excited. There has been a strong need to seek offshore as there are certain processes that are necessary yet these may only be contributing a fraction to over all productivity. A lot of the procedures maybe time consuming and repetitive. Since they may require special skills and expertise, the company cannot afford to lose these processes and so they may need to get other people to perform these process while they focus on core areas of the company such as marketing and research and development. By outsourcing other areas of ..Continue reading.. »

Business Process Outsourcing: Increasing productivity at a lower cost

October 9th, 2008

Business process outsourcing allows other departments of a certain business to be performed by a third party. Due to high demand in manpower and that companies nowadays have staffs working until seven to late at night just to comply and meet the demands outsourcing has become a must for most. Organizations nowadays are forced to explore available tactics to remain competitive due to the current decline in the economy. Business process outsourcing of certain functions will improve basic services while allowing the company to remain afloat and have time to do strategic role in their organizations. These areas may include, prospecting, customer service, technical support and marketing. This approach can cut cost in the company's budget as outsourcing especially offshore is considered a cost saving approach. Let's discuss the reasons for outs ..Continue reading.. »

Business process outsourcing: Better customer service and better price

October 8th, 2008

Globalization, the heightened need for security, and mergers and acquisitions have made the business world a more complex place, and [businesses] use consultants to help move through that landscape," says Eric Figueroa, an economist with the BLS.

Gone were the seafaring days to trade lambs and textiles. As the global market need requires and presents better and new products, there is now a very high demand of customer service and technical expertise offshore. As giant companies consolidate to save money, they are transferring their human-resources functions outside mainland. JP Morgan Chase, General Motors, HSBC and Sprint are just among the few that caught the Business outsourcing mania. Now, more and more companies are mining human resource offshore. Offshore outsourcing has expanded and improved due to the mobility of glo ..Continue reading.. »

The Benefits of Offshore Outsourcing

October 6th, 2008

Offshore Outsourcing-- the process of hiring an external organization to handle certain business functions in a foreign country-- is a common practice to many companies across the world, mainly to save money. But what began as a cost- cutting measure has now evolved into an industry where small- scale entrepreneurs and major companies alike turn to for reasons that go beyond pricing. While cost is still a key benefit of outsourcing, more and more companies are looking at it as a strategic planning and business outcomes tool.

Here is a closer look at the major benefits of outsourcing:

Better management of capital costs. Cost-cutting may not be the only reason to engage in offshore outsourcing< ..Continue reading.. »

Business Process Outsourcing: Moving into the Philippine Shores

October 3rd, 2008

The Business Process Outsourcing industry is considered as one of the fastest business sectors in the world. The strong demand for outsourcing services is predicted to reach as high as $180 billion in 2010, with finance and accounting, customer support, human resource management, and back- end support services getting the most shares. A trend in primary business requirements is also foreseen, market analysts believe that there will be shift from practicality and cost reduction mentality to service quality and consistency. This reinforces the Philippine position as one of the top BPO destinations.

What started as an answer to the tremendous demand for offshore call center services, the Philippine BPO industry has become one of the leading global BPO service providers in the world. At present, an estimated number of 250,00 ..Continue reading.. »

Acceleration of Business Process Outsourcing Growth

October 2nd, 2008

Today two economic trends are accelerating Business Process Outsourcing or BPO's rate of growth. The first is globalization. For the first time since the days of sailing ships, trade barriers are coming down. The growing integration of economies and societies around the world makes globalization work for all. Through globalization the poverty line has been alleviated in many developing countries including Philippines, India and China. Information technology and high English proficiency level made BPO centers flourish in these countries. The labor cost is low when foreign investors ourtsource their businesses. The average rate a Filipino worker gets is $1.5 per hour and a $1 per hour for Indian workers. Local and National governments push to promote this service advantage and are gaining positive response from major countries such as United States and United Kingdo ..Continue reading.. »

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