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The Philippines – A Great Outsourcing Destination?

January 11th, 2011

It is no secret that the Philippines is a globally recognized outsourcing destination. The reasons are that there are no language barriers, you get highly skilled workers, and of course, low rates. India has dominated the BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) industry for a really long time. But there is a new player in the game that has raised the bar for BPO standards. Like a lot of other Asian countries, the Philippines offer low rates for very skilled professionals – which happen to be one of the core reasons for outsourcing in the first place. Sure, India has been the premier outsourcing destination for a pretty long time and China is now entering the outsourcing field. The Philippines sure have distinctive advantages over the other outsourcing countries in Asia because the outsourcing firms in the Philippines are very familiar with the American culture – this is the reason why a lot of call centers for United States based companies ar ..Continue reading.. »

The Plain Old Benefits of Outsourcing

January 10th, 2011

To a lot of people outsourcing might seem like a waste of money and precious time, as well as an unnecessary complication. After all, why should one send business abroad when the same job could probably be done better right at home? To anyone running for office, the topic on outsourcing serves as a real objection to “taking work” away from “our citizens.” Compassion towards this topic will only elicit a couple of votes and nothing more. But to all businessmen and women, outsourcing is a modern day boon, period. Outsourcing offers all types of businesses the liberty to dump non-core but still important sectors of their administration on firms that specialize in those individual aspects – leaving business owners the freedom to totally focus on those areas of their business that bring in the real dough. The most alluring advantage of outsourcing is the cost effective feature. Information Technology and ..Continue reading.. »

Find a Great Outsourcing Company and Watch your Small Business Grow! – Part Two

January 5th, 2011

Organizations of all sizes are struggling with rising costs of keeping full-time staff. Considered in the decision to outsource include:
•Hiring employees
•Training employees,
•Administration benefits
•Equipment and workspace
Employee expenses are known to account for up to 70 percent of an organization’s general revenue.  Although hiring an outsourcing company to handle certain tasks offers rather sizable financial benefits. Other advantages of outsourcing include:
You can take advantage of the technology and professionalism of niche providers and leverage the very best practices.
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What Are the Tasks You Can Outsource to a Virtual Assistant?

January 3rd, 2011

These days, people talk about outsourcing. A lot of people say that it saves you money and precious time. Is this really true? Let’s take a look:

Virtual assistants only charge for the specific time that they have worked.

Virtual assistants will only use their own equipment

You do not have to worry about paying sick pay, employment insurance, worker’s compensation, employment insurance, or retirement plans.

You do not have to pay agency fees. Temping agencies are known to charge an agency fee to be able to work with them.

You can also benefit from time zone advantage, your virtual assistant is working for you while you are sleeping.

You do not have to think about paying training ex ..Continue reading.. »

New Years at 123!

December 31st, 2010

Yes, its true, we do work on New Years because we are ahead of you time-wise, but we definitely know how to party!!!!  Happy New Years everyone! [gallery link="file"] ..Continue reading.. »

Which Country is The Most Preferred Outsourcing Country – A Look At India

December 28th, 2010

When one outsources, this simply means the sharing of your company’s control and (sometimes) sensitive information with another firm. Outsourcing is regarded by a lot of people as the best thing since slice bread. Offshore outsourcing is known to facilitate the effective use of capital, skill set, resources, and technology at an affordable cost. According to Goldman Sachs survey, since the year 2001, between 400,000 and 60,000 service division work have been moved overseas. That particular number is expected to rise in future.

Almost any person can outsource whether it is a big, medium or even small business. Any task that is related to web development, web design, B2C, BPO, manufacturi ..Continue reading.. »

How to Effectively Outsource Hiring

December 27th, 2010

As your business continues to experience growth, you may actually need to expand your workforce. Here is an effective way you can use outsource hiring in order to encourage the expansion of your company. You will need to learn about job outsourcing before you start to shuffle resources and personnel. The subject of outsourcing on a global scale has been covered by authors such Daven Michaels in his book “Outsource This.” Having a basic knowledge of outsourcing in the Internet era will of course help you make a well informed decision. Partner with a reputable outsourcing firm known to facilitate professional outsourcing and hiring. Your business may not have the necessary production facilities or even research employees to assist in advancing your industrial division. But an outsourcing firm can help you get the best man or woman for the job. You will also need to determine your information technology (IT), facilities, and co ..Continue reading.. »

Managing Business Growth Using Outsourcing

December 22nd, 2010

There sure comes a time in the life of every entrepreneur when his or her business booms, the phone will be literally ringing of the hook and the entrepreneur is running full speed ahead in order to keep up. When you eventually reach this point, you of course have the choice to crash and burn or simply continue building the momentum. Keep reading and you will learn how to build momentum and also take your business to the top using outsourcing. Ensure That You Analyze Your Area of Specialty What is it that you are pretty great at? Contrary to common belief, every entrepreneur is not a sales person. Yeah, yeah, you have been so far, the accountant, receptionist and s ..Continue reading.. »

How to Effectively Choose your outsourcing Partners

December 21st, 2010

Most businesses are searching for ways to effectively cut down costs, especially with the present global financial crisis. One of the most important methods of doing this is to first identify very costly business processes and departments that incur much cost. When you have done this, a lot of managers identify bodies outside the company who can effectively do the required tasks at a much lower costs. This is simply referred to as “outsourcing” and it is the direct opposite of doing tasks in-house. In picking business partners who can are good at handling a company’s outsourcing needs, the following guidelines should be followed:

  • Make sure that you identify requirements and motivation for a successful outsourcing partnership. This will often consist of cost-cutting and quality control measures.
  • Check out the options available on the market – you can do ..Continue reading.. »

Outsource your Work Overload

December 20th, 2010

Are you a small business owner or a freelancer? Do you presently find yourself overloaded with so many projects that leave you feeling a little bit overwhelmed? Keep reading and you will get a couple of tips on how to outsource all those extra projects in order to assist you in successfully meeting deadlines and at the same time, also help you keep the quality of work you desire.

You will need to check out a couple of outsourcing sites. There are a lot of websites that will assist you in lightening your burden; a lot of these outsourcing firms will of course charge you a small fee after completing the task.

Simply go online and you will find loads of websites that are more than ready and willing to provide you with top quality service without charging you an arm or leg in the process. You also need to remember that when you are posting your pro ..Continue reading.. »

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