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Are All Social Media Sites Created Equal?

April 28th, 2014

Do all social media sites have the same benefits? Although some people think so, they are not. Every social media site has its own special purpose.

Facebook is meant to help you share who you are on a personal level with people. But don’t think for even a minute it isn’t essential for business success. Friendships are built and alliances made because of this tool.

Twitter is a little different. This social media platform allows for short, blips of conversation—144 characters worth. It helps you get the word out about going on, events and new product promotion. Blogs are online journals that give you the opportunity ..Continue reading.. »

Focus on Content Creation and Allow Your Membership Site to do The Heavy Lifting

April 21st, 2014

Many entrepreneurs fuel their ideas by developing services and/or with product creation. They put a lot of time and hard work into making their businesses viable. What’s viability without profitability?  A great way to give your business a financial boost is to start a membership site. You’ll not only bring prospects right into your back yard, you’ll also gently close the gate behind them by giving them a reason to stick around awhile.

What Exactly is a Membership Site? A membership site is a private website that allows access only to members who voluntarily sign up. There’s usually a ..Continue reading.. »

Is Your Business At The Right Place to Consider Outsourcing?

April 1st, 2014

If you know anything at all about outsourcing, you’re probably a mile ahead of many businesses who’ve heard about it but are not really sure what it means. There are a couple of points that bear discussing.

Point Number One: Outsourcing means different things to different businesses.

Point Number Two: Every business can benefit from some form of outsourcing.

You may be able to manage a heavy schedule or multitask efficiently, but if you want to reach a high degree of success in your business and live your true life adventure, there’s no way you can do everythin ..Continue reading.. »

The World is At Your Front Door. Will You Open It?

March 24th, 2014

Whether you’re already in business or on the threshold of making the jump from your day job to entrepreneurship, opportunities for success are all around you. The Internet continues to set the pace for massive business growth and expansion. The virtual world is at your front door. Will you open it?

Dreaming about taking action and actually doing it are two very different things, aren't they? Actually they’re not. Some studies report that the memory does not distinguish between what is real and what is imagined. What this means is your brain doesn't know the difference between something you've experienced or only fantasized about. Some experts say the more detail y ..Continue reading.. »

Be Sure You Know How to Hire and Manage Virtual Assistants (VAs)

March 12th, 2014

As much as you love what you do, running your business can reach a point where tasks become overwhelming. When it begins to feel that way, it probably means one of two things:

1)   Your business is growing.

2)   You might have an issue with time management.

If you’re in the first group, congratulations. All of your planning and heard work is paying off. It’s time to look for more support. Do it soon before you get into the habit of doing everything yourself. The more time you spend on working IN your business, the less tome you’ll have to work ON your business.

What does this mean? It’s vital you learn to make the distinction.

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Kristen White Interviews New York Times Bestselling Author Daven Michaels

February 24th, 2014

In 2013 Daven Michaels’ new book, Outsource Smart, rose to the top quickly, charting as a New York Times Bestseller. The book continues to reach entrepreneurs and forward thinkers as the once-misunderstood topic of outsourcing becomes part of everyday language in the world of business.

Addressing the challenges entrepreneurs face when dealing with expanding businesses and growing workloads, Daven and Kristen White discuss the difficulties many people have with delegating tasks. Because entrepreneurs are doers by nature, they often believe no one can perform a task as well as they can—the first big mistake.

As a result of the tendency to be in full control withou ..Continue reading.. »

123Employee It’s Never Too Late For A Fresh Start

February 17th, 2014

It used to be people worked their entire lives for the same company, and sometimes at the same job if they weren’t promoted from within. They’d put in decades and then retire. Sure, they had dreams, some of which they achieved—and there were also bridges they’d never cross. Most of them never looked back. Many people just accepted the hand life dealt them.

It’s not that way anymore. We’re living longer and there’s more to life than ever. We want to do it all. And for those who want to stretch their arms and do something different, it’s never been easier. People are realizing it’s never too late to start over.I say go ahead; begin again. No matter your circumstances, write that book or invest in that brilliant idea you’ve been dreaming about.

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Is Trust An Issue For You? Don’t Allow Self-Sabotage Stop You From Outsourcing

February 10th, 2014

You've invested your life and money into your business. Are you willing to let self-sabotage bury it alive? That’s exactly what you’re doing if you don’t learn how to outsource. In the attached video, a participant in Beyond Business Live shares openly about his fear of letting go and trusting others to support him.

He makes some very good points in this :58 second video. Watch it and see if you can relate. Many of the entrepreneurs I've met have told me of similar concerns. They do it all because they don’t think anyone can do it as well as they can. They refuse to delegate even simple tasks.

Some people are control freaks. They’re afraid to let go of anything in other areas of their lives as well. So they pile task after task onto their already full plates and ..Continue reading.. »

Beyond Business Live! – Han Fan’s EXCLUSIVE Interview With Daven

February 6th, 2014

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How to Outsource Your Marketing

February 6th, 2014

It’s all about the marketing. You might have the most revolutionary product on the market; one that can change the world in ways people never imagined, and if you don’t market it, it’s worthless.

The “if you build it they will come” mentality is defunct. You can spend all of your time and financial resources building it, but “they won’t come” unless you go after them.

In the movie Field of Dreams, the character played by Kevin Costner spent day after day following a dream of building a baseball field. He was committed, long into the evening hours—he was compelled to do it.

Sound familiar?

As entrepreneurs, ideas come to us a mile a minute. We dream ..Continue reading.. »

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